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International Patisserie Qualifications

Aug 5, 2023 | Articles

Mastering the Art of Patisserie: Unlocking the World with an International Patisserie Qualification

When you master the art of pastry by enrolling at a premier culinary school like Chefs Training & Innovation Academy, you truly invest in your future. Our international patisserie qualifications offer students an abundance of exciting opportunities by teaching them the critical technical skills needed to thrive in the sector. The world of patisserie is ample and entails the creation and decoration of a wide selection of delicious dough-based goods.  When you invest in our international patisserie qualification, you will glean the necessary skills and abilities to have a rewarding and dynamic career in the pastry world.

Let’s delve into some of the exciting prospects a career in pastry can offer.

How International Patisserie Qualifications Unlock the World

Here are some exciting ways in which our prestigious pastry chef qualifications can unlock your world.

  • Globally recognised qualification: The international patisserie qualification at CTIA is recognised by the internationally renowned City & Guilds. This means that students can work worldwide, showcasing their phenomenal patisserie skills.
  • Incredible networking prospects: Our integrated learning approach ensures that students gain real-world experiences. Students get the opportunity to work at credible establishments to further enhance their pastry skills and gain valuable insight and experience when working in professional settings. This enables them to build their professional network whilst studying. Oftentimes, this may lead to incredible mentorship or employment opportunities down the line.
  • Travel opportunities abound: International accreditations open many doors for students regarding travel. Patisserie chefs are sought after worldwide and career opportunities include working on cruise ships, becoming a pâtissier at top international restaurants, or working as a private chef in homes around the globe.
  • Culturally diverse menus and dishes: Patisserie takes you on a culinary journey across many parts of the world. As you learn about the rich pastry traditions from places like Switzerland, America, Austria, and France, your world view enhanced. During our full-time international patisserie qualification, students will learn to prepare, cook, and finish cakes, sponge products, biscuits, dough products, hot desserts, pastry products, cold desserts, and chocolate products.  This enhances their pastry knowledge and diversifies their repertoire.

Learn More About Our International Patisserie Qualification

Pastry is in and of itself an art form, enticing the most creative culinary minds. If you are interested in learning more about our international patisserie qualifications, visit your nearest CTIA campus and see our state-of-the-art facilities. For more information, get in touch with our team and begin your professional pastry journey.

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