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The Best School for Culinary Arts

Jun 14, 2023 | Articles

From Passion to Profession: How to Choose the Best School for Culinary Arts

A cheffing career brings about many exciting prospects, from international travel to working in some of the best fine dining establishments around the globe. If you want to take your culinary passion to professional heights, it’s worth enrolling in a reputable school for culinary arts like the Chefs Training & Innovation Academy. But with so many culinary institutions around, how do you find a school for culinary arts that ticks all the boxes and offers you the best tools and techniques to excel in a culinary professional?

Let’s explore some of the key considerations when searching for the best culinary school to advance your career.

3 Things to Consider When Finding a School for Culinary Arts

  1. International accreditations: One of the most crucial aspects to consider is the level of certification you will receive. Ideally, opt for an academy that offers national and international qualifications, as this will open up more opportunities if you want to work further afield. Chefs Training & Innovation Academy offer students several reputable accreditations, including the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO), City & Guilds (C&G), and the Confederation of Tourism and Hospitality (CTH).
  2. Dynamic course offerings: Opt for a school with a wide range of courses that suit your unique schedule. The Chefs Training & Innovation Academy have full-time, part-time, and short course offerings, depending on your needs. Whether you want to enrol in a 3-year full-time chef diploma, a part-time City & Guilds pastry or cooking programme, or a shorter course that covers the basics of cooking and baking, we have many options.
  3. Travel opportunities: If you have a penchant for travel and want to see the world whilst studying, select a school for culinary arts with travel opportunities. We offer a partnership with the Business Hospitality Management School in Switzerland for students who want to further their culinary studies and obtain a BA in the culinary arts.

School for Culinary Arts

The school for culinary arts that you choose can have significant sway on your future career as a hospitality professional. Select a school with a revered curriculum, inspired lecturers with a passion for education, robust, internationally-recognised accreditations, and diverse travel and work opportunities.

Chat with Our Team

If you’re interested in enrolling in a reputable school for culinary arts, chat with our team and explore our world-class campuses in Centurion, Stellenbosch, Durban, and Mbombela.

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